Norwegian Whale Reserve
Creating a world that values conservation above exploitation through the rescue, rehabilitation, and release of once-captive whales. When combined with a community-led approach, research and education, we can improve ocean outcomes in the Arctic and around the world.

Shark Tagging Indonesia
In a world first, the shark fishermen of Indonesia, working together with Project Hiu, deployed 10 shark tags on tiger sharks in local waters. The worlds largest shark fishing nation will finally have data that is desperately needed to understand and better protect these animals. Now with a new type of tag we can collect additional data, made possible by the donations of Envoy Foundation.

Shark Island Plastics Project
Eliminating plastic bottle use in Fuvahmulah, Maldives will reduce single-use plastic by 90% and halve overall waste on the island, helping to preserve a slice of paradise, and our oceans. Achieving this here, will help this island become the blueprint for the rest of the Maldives, and other island nations, to follow to ensure a brighter future free from the scourge of plastics.

Animals that we share the world with are sentient beings. They think, feel and have a burning desire to avoid pain, and above all, to live. The main threat to animals is humans. Humans have more legal rights than other animals or ecosystems, which means we regularly exploit them for pleasure or profit.
Climate Change is here. The world is warming dangerously, humans are the cause of it, and a failure to act today will deeply affect the future of the Earth.

Forests are often called the 'lungs of the planet' for their role in absorbing carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, and increasing local humidity.
Rainforests also stabilise the climate, house incredible amounts of plants and wildlife, and produce nourishing rainfall all around the planet. Their removal and destruction often lead to the creation of new deserts (desertification).

Freshwater is essential for our planet and thousands of species, including humans. Rivers, lakes, wetlands, streams and underground aquifers store and clean the water that is crucial for all living creatures.

Oceans produce over half of the world's oxygen and absorb 50 times more carbon dioxide than our atmosphere. They are under immense pressure from over exploration, pollution, warming and acidification.
Envoy Foundation is an environmental-focused
Envoy Foundation is an environmental-focused
foundation that scales up the impact of work
foundation that scales up the impact of work
done by conservationists, scientists, filmmakers,
done by conservationists, scientists, filmmakers,
entrepreneurs, and businesses who are working
entrepreneurs, and businesses who are working
to rid the world of animal and ecosystem
to rid the world of animal and ecosystem